Set up and track goals in Daylio

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Create a Goal

Goals will help you to motivate yourself and track important activities to build a habit. There are two types of goals that you can track in the Daylio app:

  1. Goal picked from the challenge
  2. Goal created from activity

Create a goal from the challenge

  1. Go to the More tab
  2. Tap on Goals and pick one of the Goals Challenges. You can pick one of our suggested goals or you can create your own goal.
  3. Optionally adjust repetition – we have 3 most common options, but you can customize it further:
    1. Weekly Repetition – you can choose how many times per week you aim for that goal. For instance, you want to work out twice a week, you can choose 2 days per week. It doesn’t matter which exact days your goal will be done unless you make it twice a wee
    2. Daily Repetition – you can choose any specific day(s) during the week to accomplish the goal. For instance, if you want to meditate once a week, each Monday, you can choose only Monday as a goal day. Bear in mind that in both cases, it does not matter when exactly you have done it, but if you have done it. In that case, you will not lose your strike. We believe this motivates users to use the Goals in Daylio in a productive way.
  4. Set a reminder – By default it is ON. People using reminders are statistically 87% more successful with tracking and improving their goals. You can also adjust the time.
    1. Once the goal is running you can also set your own custom reminder text in goal settings.
  5. Start the goal

Create a goal from your activities

In this case, you want to find the banner “Create Goal from Your Activities” on the Goal screen.

  1. Pick one of your activities you want to link to the goal
  2. Adjust any of the settings – like repetition, reminders, or start date.
    1. You can also set the start date to the past. In case you have been using an activity for a longer time you can enjoy the prefilled stats and strikes that will be automatically counted.

Tracking a goal

Your goals are visible on the top of the Entries tab or in More > Goals. You can tick/untick your goals even without making an entry. 

If you created a goal made of activity, it can be also tracked via this activity when creating entry. Using activity will automatically tick your goal. If you want to remove the tick – you will need to remove the activity from your entry.

Goal stats

  • Level – By accomplishing your goals you can level up. In case you haven’t completed goals as desired, you will not lose your level. Just keep going on!
  • Current Streak – Number of uninterrupted days containing the goal activity. The streak will be interrupted when you fail to make the required number of repetitions during the period.
  • Longest Streak – Your all-time longest streak.
  • Success Rate – Indicates the percentage of completions for a week and 4 weeks. It also displays trends – if you are having positive or negative change when compared to the same period.
  • Completions – The number of total completions and number of completions during certain months.

Renaming a goal

If you want to rename the Goals Challenges tap More > Goals (or tap the specific goal on the Entries tab) > scroll down and tap Open Settings > Name, now you can rename it.

If you want to rename goals made of the activity, you need the activity. Just go to More > Edit Activities; tap on the activity and change the name. 

Deleting or archiving a goal

You have two options. If you don’t mind, you can always use the archive option. This gives you a chance to restore your goal in the future. This goal will not be visible anymore, but you can restore it anytime.

Deletion is permanent. You will lose all your goal stats. If you delete your challenge goal, it will be completely gone.

If the goal was made from an activity, you can delete the goal but the activity will stay unharmed. You can create a new goal for this activity, even set the start time to the past to recreate it.

If you want to archive or delete a goal, open the goal detail. Scroll down and tap Open Settings to choose one of the options.

Goals FAQ

Is it possible to create a negative goal? Track what I do not do?

The best practice is to create an intentionally negative goal and track it if you avoid this activity. So, if you do not smoke – mark the “No Smoking” goal. This intentional action enforces the habit. It is more pronounced than tracking goals just by not doing anything.

Can I change the goal order?

Yes. On the top of the list is the option “Reorder.” You can manually reorder goals, and the order will be applied if your goal is not met within a day or a week. If you have already marked your goal for today or this week, it will be at the bottom of the list. You cannot move a completed goal above an incomplete goal.

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Set up and track goals in Daylio

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